Sunday, September 27, 2015

Garden Update

On the last week of school we checked out what was happening in our garden.  

What a surprise we got!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Animal Collage

We are learning to create a piece of art using collage.

To inspire our artwork, we looked at the books and illustrations created by Eric Carle.

He made his own collage tissue paper and then completed the animals.  We made our own paper too, using different textures around the school and then we dyed the paper.  

If you want to learn more about Eric Carle's work go to ...

First, we chose our animal and we talked and wrote about the animal.  Then, we looked at the different shapes that made up the animal and drew those.  After that, we chose different papers to create the animal and the background.

The parrot has a red tail and he has blue and
yellow wings.  The parrot lives int he rainforest.
He has wings so he can fly and get food.
He lives up the top of the rainforest.  Charity.


My animal lives in the rainforest.  It can run fast.  My animal is
black and yellowy brown.  My animal has spots to help it camouflage
when it needs to.  The spots help it camouflage when it is
next to a tree.  Persaies.

The giraffe has a long neck and it has brown spots.
It eats leaves.  It has a long neck to eat leaves.
It lives in the African Savannah.  Betty

The lion has four legs to run fast to catch meat.  
He has a head with sharp teeth to eat meat.  
He roars.  He lives in the Africian Savannah.  Titian

My animal is a giraffe.  It lives at the African Savannah.  
It has black and brown spots.  It has a long neck.  Seraphina.
My animal is a zebra.  It has four legs.  It has stripes.  
It lives with different zebras to keep safe together.  
It lives in the African Savannah.  Drea

My animal has special legs to run fast.  
It has a mane to keep the sun away and to look scary.  
He has sharp teeth so he can eat his meat.  
He lives in the African Savannah.  Richee
The stingray has a flat grey body.
The stingray lives in the oceans and hides in the sand.

The elephant has big ears to keep him cool.
He has a long trunk to drink water.

The giraffe has spots to camouflage, 
so he looks like a tree.  It has a long neck to get
 leaves for the little baby giraffes.  Raksha
The parrot has wings.  The wings make the parrot fly up in the sky.
 It can fly onto a tree.  It eats leaves and little flies.  Ana

The snake has green and brown so it can be camouflage.
They can climb trees.  They sometimes have spots on them.
The shark has sharp teeth to eat meat.  The meat is a fish.
A shark lives in the ocean.  Kai
The lion has sharp teeth to bite meat. 
 It lives in the African Savannah.  Soni.
The zebra has stripes.  He has a tail.  He has four legs. 
 He lives in the African Savannah.  Faduma.

My animal has special legs to run fast to catch some 
animals to eat.  He has to use his sharp claws to 
scratch, and then the lion eats the meat. 
He lives in the African Savannah.  Tai

My animal is the lemur.  It is white and black.  It can climb trees.  
His tail is like an extra vine. He can sleep with his tail on the branch 
upside down.  He lives with his fmaily to be safe.  Rory

It has stripes.  It runs fast to get camouflage.  It's habitat is the 
rainforest.  It has sharp teeth to bite meat. 
 Its' habitat has lots of trees.  
It has four legs.  Anjola.

KNZB with Room 6

After we picked up rubbish 
we caught up with Mr Lyons and Room 6.

They also picked up rubbish around our community.  

We sorted it into piles of cans, glass, cardboard, plastic and wood.

Room 15 has a message to everybody.




Thank you Flaminio

Friday was our last gym session with Flaminio.

We made a Flaminio a Brazilian thank you card.

Thank you for being our coach, Flaminio.
We liked doing these things:

I liked the skipping ropes.  Ana, Persaies and Seraphina
I liked doing the spider walk.  Anjola, Titan
I liked going through the tunnel.  Rory
I liked the traffic light game.  Max
Swinging on the chairs was easy.  Betty

These activities were tricky for us:

The skipping ropes were hard for me.  Rory
The spider man wall was tricky for me.  Raksha
Jumping in the hoop was hard for me.  Keisomani
Kicking the ball against the wall was hard for me.  Betty
The bunny stand was hard.  Anjola

Thanks also to Sport Auckland and Tri Star Gymnastics.

Duffy Assembly

Duffy Role Model Assembly

Great excitement at Owairaka this morning.

Our role model was Rene Naufahu.

Just in case you are too young to remember.

Rene is a, "New Zealand-born actor, screen writer and director of Tongan and Samoan Heritage.  He is perhaps best known for being an original cast member of Shortland Street, playing paramedic
Sam Aleni for the show's first four years."

Rene had an interesting message to the children at Owairaka.
He said that watching a television programme starting with 'S' and playing playstation and x-box makes your brain dead, but the most important thing is to

Room 15's Duffy Box of Books

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Keep NZ Beautiful

As a follow up to our Green Day,
Room 15 went on a rubbish walk around our community to help, 
Keep New Zealand Beautiful.

We did this to keep our Green Day Pledge,

"We will pick up rubbish 
and put it in the correct bins, 
even if it isn't our rubbish."

Here we are, all ready to set out with our buddy, rubbish bag and glove.
Foram and Adil came with us too.

This morning room 15 went to pick up rubbish.  I was with Giselle.  We were picking up rubbish.
We picked lots.  We went to the church and we went to the kindergarten.
Giselle and I we had lots of rubbish.  I found a pen.  Giselle found a paper.  Written by Betty

I went to pick up rubbish with Betty.  We picked up lots of rubbish.
  Written by Giselle

Today room 15 went to pick up rubbish.  My buddy was Drea.  It was on Wednesday.
We saw a double decker bus.  We pick up lolly packs.  Written by Max
On Wednesday room 15 went to make the earth beautiful.  My buddy was Keisomani.
We found a dirty can.  We went past the church, then past the kindergarten.
We saw Soni's and Seraphina's Kindergarten.  We saw a double decker bus.
Written by Anjola.
This morning all of us went to Keep New Zealand Beautiful.  By buddy was Noya.  We picked the rubbish.
We picked the rubbish in the tree.  Written by Raksha.

Today room 15 went to pick up rubbish.  My buddy was Faduma.  When we went back Faduma got tired.
We picked up all kinds of rubbish.  We picked up some lolly wrappers.
Written by Kai.
This morning room 15 went to pick up the rubbish.  I was with Titan.  
Written by Ana.

On Wednesday room 15 went to pick up the rubbish.  I was picking up the rubbish with Yasser.
All of us went back to Owairaka.  Written by Charity.

Lau and Foram choose two children who were "caught doing the right thing" and they were,
Raksha and Tai.  They received a button with,  "Be a Tidy Kiwi" written on it.  
Job well done,  Room 15.


We have been learning about shapes.

Actually, we knew a lot of the names of different 2D and 3D shapes.  
Here is our brainstorm.  

We can sort shapes into the same group.

We have been using the geo-boards to create shapes too, 
we quite like using these.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Green Day

After Green Day Assembly, we had our photo taken.

Our class pledge for Green Day is ...

We will pick up rubbish and 
put it in the correct bins, 
even if it isn't our rubbish.

Later on Green Day, 
we practised sorting rubbish into the correct bins. 
Here is a sample of what we did.