Sunday, October 29, 2017

"Square Eyes"

At Discovery Time, we listened to a story about what can happen if all you do is watch,
TV, X-Box, PS3, Ipad or your parents phone.

It talked about getting outside to doing some exercise... this got our teacher thinking.

Deacon had read a book this week called,
"Playtime Ball Sports".

It talks about different games you can play with a ball and,
Deacon read us his favourite ball game, it was:

Down Ball. 

We thought we could try this game at home and school. 
All you need is a tennis ball and a friend.

There were two other games in the book,
Wall Pat and Toe Touch,
they sounded much better than becoming a "Square Eyes".

Holiday Reading Log - Highly Commended

Well done,  Room 1.

Highly Commended 
for Term 3 Holiday Reading Logs.

We received these books for our class library.

Can't wait to read them!

Farming with Issa, Tusi and Locklan

This week the boys read the book, 
"The Children's Farm".

After they read the book, they made their own farm.

These are the animals they choose for the farm.  
They have also labelled the animal paddocks.

Looks like a farm I would like to visit, would you?

How to make a Diva

This week our big book was - Diwali.

It talked about how to celebrate the Indian New Year.

We are making diva's in Room 1.

Yesterday we made a diva each.  
First we rolled the clay into a ball.  
Then we pushed our thumbs into the clay.  
Next we put our thumbs in water to seal the cracks.
Written by Tulsi.

Yesterday Room 1 make divas.  First roll the clay into a ball.  Next push your thumb into the ball.  Then dip your thumb into some water and rub your thumbs on the side of the diva.  After that leave it to dry.   Once dry paint it your favourite colour.  Then let it to dry.  Once dry do your design.  Once dry put the candle in.
Written by Deacon.

Yesterday Room 1 made a diva.  First we made a ball.  Then we pushed our thumb into it.  Next we made it into a diva.  It was fun to make.  It was kind of hard for Room 1.  But Navala said it was not hard for me.  We put it on a paper.
Written by Tabitha. 

Tabitha, Jasmine and Castiel rolling their clay into a round ball.

The Diva's are drying.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Tulsi's find ...

On the way to school on Wednesday,
 Tulsi and her little brother Jake found some interesting objects and bought them to share with us.

Tulsi thinks they look like little pinecones.

The children who had been to Owairaka Kindy recognised them straight away.  They were the from tree near the Owai Kindy.

So... while we were out Wednesday Walking 
we had a look at the tree.

Here is the Room 1 Wednesday Walkers in front of the "tree".

If you look carefully at the tree, you can see the "pinecones" still on the tree.

After this find, we bought some more "pinecones" back to school.
Our teacher thinks this is a Macrocarpa Tree, but we need to check this out.

What do you think?

We'll keep you posted....

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Little Garden

This week we planted our seeds from New World.

Term 3 Holiday Reading Logs

Wow, Room 1 you are amazing Holiday Readers.

Clevelyn and Mrs Fletcher

What an exciting day for Clevelyn.

Today was Clevelyn's birthday and our new Principal, 
Mrs Fletcher came into Room 1 to wish him Happy Birthday.

Here is Clevelyn reading his book to Mrs Fletcher.

Happy Birthday, Clevelyn 
Welcome, Mrs Fletcher.

Keerat and Latu

Keerat and Latu are learning to count objects to 10.

Here they are,  
counting the candles (ice blocks sticks) 
on the birthday cakes.

Term 4 - Hats! Hats! Hats!

It's that time of year again, for us to wear our hats.

Please make sure you bring a hat to school everyday or better still leave one at school.

Saturday, October 7, 2017


At the end of Term 3, we did some work with ...
... fractions.

During the year we have been choosing whether to have our fruit, 
cut into halves  - 2 parts or quarters 4 parts.

We have been learning what the number half looks like:

It's a bit tricky ... but ...

... here's what we would have on a piece of bread or toast 
and who we would share it with.

The fraction number quarter looks like this:


Here is how we would share a pizza between 4 of us.

Here's what we did in our own words.