"Duffy Stuck in the Game"
This was an awesome performance, totally engaging for our children.
Fabulous performances as always.
While Duffy
does fall into a comical gaming world, this play is really about whanau connection;
the power of reading to solve problems; and the hidden talents of our elders!
This year's play is set in the school holidays. Duffy is dropped off with his Aunty
Grace and cousin Sam for a week while Mum and Dad work. Duffy is excited. He's
been missing Sam, since she and Aunty Grace moved away to a new city. Sam and
Duffy have been keeping in touch through their favourite computer game: Magic
Bricks. Duffy enjoys the game but is surprised to find that Sam has become a bit
addicted to it. He finds it hard to talk to her, and it's not long before Duffy is
hankering to do fun things IRL (in real life!).
Duffy's boredom grows, because Sam
can't be prised off the game. So he starts to clown around with their Nana Whetu's
glasses. Nana Whetu has passed away, and Duffy really misses her. He pops her
glasses on, pretending to be her for a brief moment. There is a strange noise and...
Duffy is sucked into the game!
Sam is shocked and can only coach Duffy remotely, as she watches him on the
screen. Duffy meets the Dismantler, who can't help but tear down Duffy's Magic Brick
creations; and the Puzzler, who delights in scrambling up any word clue that might
point the way to Duffy's freedom. To make matters worse, it's only a matter of time
before Duffy becomes permanently pixellated!
Aunty Grace is horrified when she discovers what has happened. She saw Nana do
this once and can't believe it when Sam pops Nana Whetu's glasses on and goes flying
into the game too. Now what? And why can't Aunty Grace jump in after them?
Through a series of word clues and puzzles, Duffy and Sam work out that Nana
Whetu created Magic Bricks herself! The key to their escape is hidden in her old
notebook! Time is ticking, and reading is their only hope.