Friday, November 25, 2022

Cultural Festival 2022


This has been such a busy term
practising for the Cultural Festival.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Firewise by Amelie & Rose


I think Room 1 knows quite a lot about how to be Firewise.
I'm sure they can give you some ideas.

Writing Book 2 - Amelie


There is always lots of learning to celebrate in Room 1.


A Clown by Ella, Zakaria, and Oakland

Today we read a book called,
"In my pocket"

There were all sorts of things in a little boy's pocket
and he made a clown.

Here are our clowns.

Great job! 
Ella, Zakaria and Oakland


Friday, November 18, 2022

Go Toa Samoa


Alu i ai Toa Samoa
Go Toa Samoa
Matou tapuai atu
We support you Samoa

Play well

Firewise - A Safe Meeting Place


We have been learning about being Firewise.
What do we do if there is a fire at our house.

To get out safely from a burning room, you must act FAST and:

Get down, get low, get out FAST

Shut the door (if it is easy to do so)


Stay out

Go to the safe meeting place.

The safe meeting place, could be your





a tree outside your property.

This is where your family would gather.

We made our safe meeting place below.

Has your family chosen your safe place?