Monday, August 16, 2021

Pizza Shop in Room 1

 Today we could order a 

half pizza or a quarter pizza and a piece of fruit.

The toppings we could choose were:

cheese, onion, capsicum, pepperoni, mushrooms.

Here Austin was the cook preparing the pizza.

Emily and Sia have just received their order.
Can you see what fruit they have chosen?
Very healthy girls.


  1. Greetings Room 1! My name is Zayd Ali.That pizza looks super yummy! I wish I could have been there.You remind me of when I made a lemonade stand at my house. The lemonade sold out fast! Anyway maybe you should try and put it on the NWS padlet. Goodbye I hope you had fun reading my comment this is Zayd signing off.

  2. Hello Room 1
    Maia here from 24. The pizzas look good! My brother, Leo in Room 19 has lots of play food.
    Did you enjoy making pizza?
    Bye bye!
