Monday, August 24, 2020

At home with Jackson


It was raining today so Jackson did some work from his workbook from the first lockdown.

Great maths work Jackson.  Soraya

Jackson has been enjoying the different tasks he can do in his workbook. 
He has also been reading books and we have been adding them to the reading log.

It looks like you have been learning about "Living Things."
Great job on keeping your Reading Log up to date.  Soraya

This is what Jackson saw outside his house last week. 
A beautiful rainbow and a yellow excavator.

You are a real "artist" Jackson, I love the yellow excavator.


  1. Keep up the great learning there Jackson.

  2. Wow Jackson, fantastic work. What a great rainy day activity. I really like your picture of the rainbow and the excavator. I wonder what the excavator was doing? Keep up the great work.

  3. Kia ora Jackson
    You are working very hard at home and doing some great learning! Super drawing Jackson, I really like the way you used curved lines to draw the rainbow.
