Friday, September 16, 2016

Dinosaur Puzzle

Michael and his friend from Room 14 
finished this Dinosaur Puzzle during Discovery Learning, 
it was a bit tricky, but they persevered and completed it, with a little help from their friends.

Well done!

Fraction Problem!

We have been learning about halves and quarters.

Today, we didn't have enough oranges for those children 
that wanted to have one. 

We had a problem!

So we had to cut the oranges into halves.

Here's Rose and Charlotte with half an orange each, 2 pieces.

Then, we cut them in half again, because they are easier to eat that way.

Here's Rose and Charlotte with an orange that has been cut into quarters, 4 pieces.

Problem Solved!

Green Week

Wow! Room 15,
 Didn't you do well?

We received the Travel Wise Trophy for the highest percentage of children per class that walked to school.
(special thanks to Charlotte's mum - our secret weapon)

Here is Amy,
 who won the draw in the Wrapper Free Lunch.

Next is Elye,
who received a Merit Certificate for,
being organised with a book for Book Swop.

Finally, Carlos,
holding the Travel Wise Trophy.

But, wait there's more ...

On Wednesday, we had 7 children who came with the Wednesday Walkers during morning tea...

... and during the week 
we have been busy collecting leaves and sticks, 
moving pallets, cleaning out bricks all in preparation for our insect house...

... keep watching out blog for more information on our insect house...

Green Week is such good fun!

Who are these People?

During Discovery Learning today, their appeared some "new children" in our room.

Do recognise them?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Book Swap

Room 15 was buzzing on Wednesday and Thursday, 
with Green Day Book Swap.

Here's Elye, he was very organised on Wednesday morning.

Healthy Lunches in Room 15

Green Week

Look at these healthy lunch boxes.  

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Our Flowers

If you have been walking past Room 15, you will have seen our flowers, they are looking and smelling, simply gorgeous.