Monday, January 7, 2019

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
from Room 1.


End of Year Awards

Class Merit Award



Owairaka Values Award
Manaakitanga, Manawnuitanga, Kaitiakitangi


Beeswax Wraps

During T4
the Rimu Team 
decided that we would make 
Beeswax Wraps as part of 
Green Week and a 'nod' 
to our learning about "Bees"
during the middle of the year.

Step 1:  Sprinkling on the beeswax.

Step 2:  Carefully ironing the beeswax.

We hung them out to dry.

Cute Holiday present for some lucky person.

Buddy Class End of Year Picnic

Have a great holiday break 
from Room 1 & 22.

Spinning Tops

Japanese Cultural Group

After a lot of hard work, patience, resilience,
the Japanese Group came together.

You all did so well.

Thank you to:
 Toki, Fletch, Ms Mitchell, Ms Morgan, Ms O'Shea, Forum, Faye, Karen

We couldn't have done a fabulous performance without you.