Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cultural Festival

Room 1 and their whanau at the 
Cultural Festival at Rocket Park
Saturday 23 November 2019.

Owairaka Maunga Walk

GREEN WEEK - Only rain down the storm drain

Room 1 has been thinking and learning about 
What is a drain?
What should go down the drain?
Where are the drains?
Are drains important?

Lots of questions, 
Freddy the Fish can help us answer these.

Image result for rain cloud drops clip art free

Image result for drain clipart free


It's Green Week and its been all about 

We thought we would do a little investigation
 about how important is water. 

1.  First, we put water into the glass.

2.  Next, we put the food colouring in.

3.  Then, we put the white flowers in the glass.

4.  Then, we waited 1 day and observed.

5.  Here are our findings.

5.  These are our conclusions.