Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"A Little Duck for Lily"

The Margaret Mahy group read the book, 
"A Little Duck for Lily."

Together they made a farm for Lily and her duck.

What farm animals can you see?

Eleanor's House

This week Eleanor read the book,

"A House"

After she finished reading Eleanor built a house.

Here is Eleanor's house.

Writing about swimming

Class Swimming Lessons

We have swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Our teacher is Sinea, 
she took us in  2 groups, 
the first group in the little pool and the other group in the big pool.

Waiting for our turn.

 In the little pool with Sinea.

 In the big pool with Sinea.

Remember to kick, kick, kick!

Straight arms on the flutter board.

Here we are doing streamline.

Nurse Jules & handwashing

On Monday we had a visit from Nurse Jules and her helper.

Nurse Jules talked to us about how important it is to 
wash our hands;

after going to the toilet
before you eat
after you sneeze.

This is Nurse Jules and her helper.

Here we are waiting for the hand sanitiser, so we can practise washing our hands.

Millie washing between her fingers.

Leonidas washing his palms together.

Room 1 listening carefully to Nurse Jules.

If you are interested watch this video:

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Rimu Team Lunchtime Swimming

Every Wednesday,
(providing the weather is ok)

it is the Rimu Team's turn in the school swimming pool.

All you have to remember is:

Here we are having a 
great swimming lunchtime!

Thanks for the pics, Mr Lyons

Folding the Milk Cartons

We have been learning how to fold the milk cartons, 
it looks easy, but you definitely need to have strong muscles.

First, we went to look at where we store the milk at Owai.

Here in the Milk Fridges.

Then, we looked where we put the recycled milk cartons, once they are folded.

Here we are with our folded milk cartons.

Good on you, Millie and Troy.

If you want to know more about milk in schools and how to fold your milk carton
go to the link below:

Holiday Reading Logs & Fairy Judy

It was exciting in Room 1 today, 
after many days of anticipation,
Fairy Judy
came to visit.

Fairy Judy loves reading and she loves giving out the 
Holiday Reading Certificates.  We were lucky being Room 1, 
we received ours first.

Well Done, 
everyone who read in the holidays.

Artash, Arnie, Rafin, Omar, Mohamed, Tyson, Oscar, Sibley.

Jandal Holiday Writing

We have such a hot, hot hot Summer,
so, it is no surprise that most of the children on their first day of school;
wrote about swimming at the beach and at the pool.

So, because it is Summer
we have illustrated our writing on jandals, 
because we often wear jandals in Summer! 

We have been learning in Te Reo, the word for 
Summer is Raumati!

Here are our, 
Jandal Holiday Stories.

Learning Together in Room 1

Having an explore around Room 1.

Leonidas reading to Q Bear.

McKenzye & Pepetua using the puzzle blocks.

Sibley, Mohamed & Omar reading the "I Spy" book.

Arnie, Jack & Mille looking at the non fiction books.

Troy completing a jig saw puzzle.

Tyson in the Science corner with the bees.

Oscar, "My don't you look big!"