Saturday, November 27, 2021

What could this possibly be?


Here's what Room 1 thought this could be...


Today Room 1 saw a box on the field.  I think it is shed for sport equipment. 

It is a mystery?


Today Room 1 saw a big box.  I think it was a butterfly box or

it could be a fairy box?


Today Room 1 went on the field and I saw a horse box. 

I think it is a horse box for Owairaka School.


Today Room 1 saw a box in the field.  I think it is a surprise box for Room 1. 

A brand new car.


Today Room 1 saw a big box on the field.  I think the box was a toilet.  I wish I could look inside it.  It is for the kids because its far away from the classroom.


Today Room 1 saw a big box on the field. 

I think it is a box of sports gear.

What do you think it is?

Room 1 found another one of these around by Room11.

Will there be more popping up around the school?

I wonder ....

Tooth Fairy

 In the life of a 6 year old,
the Tooth Fairy is very important.
As we have been learning about how to care for our teeth,
we also did some wonderings about the Tooth Fairy.

Here are our letters and we also 
made envelopes!

Bean Bag "sl" Blends

 Room 1 had to listen
really carefully to the sounds they heard,
then they had to throw their bean bag on the correct word.

More Hiding and Seeking of the "l" Blends

 This time we played 
Hide & Seek 
near the fale.

gl for globe

pl for plane

pl for plant

gl for glasses

bl for blue block

cl for clip

sl for sloth

pl for plane

Retelling of Dr Rabbit and Brushalotamus

 Madeleine, Austin and Maisie

retelling the story of

"Dr Rabbit and Brushalotamus".

Emily, Ariya, Isla, Maddie and Taya 
share their retelling of 
"Dr Rabbit and Brushalotamus".

We have been learning about eating healthy food to keep
our teeth healthy.
We don't need to have treats all the time.

We need to brush our teeth after breakfast and after dinner
at night to keep our teeth healthy.

Exploring Papatuanuku

On Monday Room 1 did some 
exploring underneath the trees by the fale 
to see what we could find from the pictures below. 

We did see some sparrows near the chickens, 
but they were too small to take a photo.

Building a pile of leaves.

Finding somewhere to balance.

Balancing and jumping off something.

Somewhere to hang!

Something to climb and jump from.

You did really well Room 1.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

How can we help Weka to fly?


After some discussion and a very good suggestion from Isla, 
"We could make a air balloon for Weka". 
We decided that making wings that were longer for Weka would do the trick.

Here are our creations.

Writing with Room 1.

 Today Room 1 went to the hall to play noodle tag and clean the house. 
I liked the noodle tag best.  I was hungry and thirsty.  Taya

Today we went to the hall to play noodle tag and clean the house. 

I liked clean the house best.  I was hungry and thirsty.  Emily

Today Room 1 went to the hall to play noodle tag and cleaning the house. 
I liked noodle tag best.  After that I was tired.  Maddie

Here we are having a rest. 
Our teacher couldn't get any photos of us playing
because we were way too fast!

Playing Cone Ball


Today Room 1 played cone ball.  We did it at the field.  I was good.  Maisie.

Today Room 1 played on the field.  We played cone ball.  I was really good.  It was really fun.  Isla

The Retelling of, "Weka in a Flap" by Room 1

 Austin, Maddie and Madeleine's group retelling the story of

"Weka in a Flap"

Emily, Maisie and Isla's group retelling

"Weka in a Flap"