Monday, March 30, 2020

School Holiday Reading

Keep reading during the holidays,
here are some ideas:

*  Our class blog

* Keep watching 

*  Listen to Radio New Zealand Storyline

*  Read your Duffy Books

Write these in your Reading Log.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 7: Learning from Home - Friday

Kia Orana Room 1

Today is Friday - Ramere

The short date is:  27. 03. 20.

Notice and Wondering

Look at the picture below.

What do you notice?

Please write the day and date,

Friday   27.03.20

on a new page at the top of your orange writing book.

Write in your orange writing book what you notice.

Start your sentence with,
I notice ....

Next, write a wondering?
Start your sentence with,
I wonder ....

Remember to sound out words and underline these words.

Keep practising your letter or name on your laminating card.

Watch the 'er' video below.

In your orange writing book, write any 'er' words that you remember.

Keep reading your Word and Phonics Book.

 Go to our Blog Post -   "Painting Sea Creatures" and read your stories.

Write this into your Reading Log.

Visit the Young Ocean Explorers website below
and learn about, Dolphins, Sharks, or Turtles.

Young Ocean Explorers

How did you get on with the Old Car Tally Graph?

What Old Cars did your family and friends like?


Today, we are going to make a Tally Graph about what sea creatures people like.

Make this in your orange writing book.

Your Tally Graph will look like this.

Ask your family,

"What sea creature they like best?"

Then put a tally mark next to the sea creature.

You can text, email, skype your grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins and ask them,
"What creature they like best?"

To start you off,  in our house we like jellyfish and the shark best.

Which sea creature has the most tally marks?

Which sea creature has the least tally marks?

Write your answers in your orange writing book.

You can tell me how you are going by commenting below or using the email address that I have sent your parents or caregivers.

Learning at home today.😃

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Week 7: Learning from Home - Thursday

Talofa Room 1

Today is Thursday - Rapare

The short date is:  26. 03. 20.

Notice and Wondering

Look at the picture below.

What do you notice?

Please write the day and date,

Thursday   26.03.20

on a new page at the top of your orange writing book.

Write in your orange writing book what you notice.

Start your sentence with,
I notice ....

Next, write a wondering?
Start your sentence with,
I wonder ....

Remember to sound out words and underline these words.

Keep practising your letter or name.

Watch the 'ch' video below.

In your orange writing book, write any 'ch' words that you remember.

Keep reading your Word and Phonics Book.

 Go to our Blog Post -  Old cars, van, trucks and read your stories.

Write this into your Reading Log.

How did you get on with the Fruit Tally Graph?

What fruits do your family and friends like?

Today, we are going to make a Tally Graph about what cars people like.

Make this in your orange writing book.

Your Tally Graph will look like this.

Ask your family,

"What car they like best?"

Then put a tally mark next to the car.

You can text, email, skype your grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins and ask them,
"What car they like best?"

To start you off,  in our house we like brown and turquoise cars best.

Which car has the most tally marks?

Which car has the least tally marks?

Write your answers in your orange writing book.

You can tell me how you are going by commenting below or using the email address that I have sent your parents or caregivers.

Learning at home today.😃

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Week 7 - Learning from home - Wednesday

Morena Room 1

Today is Wednesday - Raapa

The short date is:  25. 03. 20.

Notice and Wondering

Look at the picture below.

What do you notice?

Please write the day and date,

Wednesday   25.03.20

on a new page at the top of your orange writing book

Write in your orange writing book what you notice.

Start your sentence with,
I notice ....

Next, write a wondering?
Start your sentence with,
I wonder ....

Remember to sound out words and underline these words.

Watch the 'sh' video below.

In your orange writing book, write any 'sh' words that you remember.

Keep reading your Word and Phonics Book.

Read or listen to a book and write this into your Reading Log.

Go to our Blog Post: Statistics - Graphs
and look at the videos at the end of the post.

We are going to make a Tally Graph about what fruit people like.
Make this in your orange writing book.

Your Tally Graph will look like this.

Ask your family,

"What fruit they like best?"

Then put a tally mark next to the fruit.

You can text, email, skype your grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins and ask them,
"What fruit they like best?"

To start you off,  in our house the 3 of us all like bananas best.

Which fruit has the most tally marks?

Which fruit has the least tally marks?

You can tell me how you are going by commenting below or using the email address that I have sent your parents or caregivers.

Learning at home.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Statistics - Graphs

We have been learning about
different types of graphs.

We decided to find out about our birthdays
and how many brothers and sisters we have?

First - Title

Picture Graphs

Each graph needs a key.

Block or Bar Graph

Tally Graph

We have been looking at these short videos about graphs.

Take a look!

Play-based Learning

Play-based Learning and
Key Competencies.

These competencies are important in every learning area.
They develop over time and are shaped by interactions with 
people, places, ideas and things.

These competencies support learning and living, now 
and in the future.

Shares,  accepts and discusses ideas.
Takes risks and tries new things.

Shares,  accepts and discusses ideas.
Takes risks and tries new things.

Takes risks and tries new things.

Shares,  accepts and discusses ideas.

Swimming - Rescuing our Friends

It was hard to choose which day was the best!

Do you know how to rescue someone who is in 
trouble in the water?

Check out the 

Swimming - Week 6 Life Jackets

Week 6 was a great week for swimming,
we did some really exciting stuff!

Take a LOOK!