Sunday, March 31, 2019

Keeping Ourselves Safe - KOS

This week we have been learning about how to 
Keep Ourselves Safe.

We have been learning our ...
1.  House number - we have made letter boxes.

Here is Room 1 looking at the number of our school letter box.

What is the number on your letter box?
2.  Street name - we have painted our house and made a house out of
bricks, wooden or plastic blocks or lego.

Thank you to the parents who have completed this homework with their children.

3.  We still have to learn our phone number,
that might take a wee while.

Here are the houses we made.




Milo - now with chimney!


Brooklyn, Acelynn, Aafia

We made a street for the lego houses.

Cultural Unity Day

Room 1 looked awesome on Cultural Unity Day.
Our families come from many countries and 
we like many different foods.

Here we are waiting for our yummy shared lunch.

Many thanks to everyone that bought food to share and to family who came to share with us.

Music, music, music.

Mr Kim bought his HUGE recorder to music today.

We are getting very good at playing the...


... tambourines...

... casanets...
and the triangles.

We can follow the written music and play together
 - well almost!


stands for
Perceptual Motor Programme.

"It is not purely a motor programme. It is a perceptual motor programme where language is the key factor in providing the perceptual knowledge about the motor experience. The programme has it's roots in the development of language, the gaining of problem solving skills, and general readiness areas."

Room 1 has PMP on Tuesday mornings.

Here's is a look at what we do.

Here's what we wrote about our first experience of PMP.

Today Room 1 went to PMP at the hall.  I like the hole. Sione

Today Room 1 went to PMP at the hall.  I like the balls. Brooklyn

Today Room 1 went to PMP at the hall.  I like the balls. Acelynn

Today Room 1 went to PMP at the hall.  I like the tunnel. Gyzharn
* * *

We were able to write a recount that covered:
What we did and liked.

If you are able to help, please let the school office know, 
or turn up on Tuesdays from 9am until 11am.


Sunday, March 17, 2019

Green Day - Kaitiakitanga

Hilary was our
Kaitiakitanga person for 

ABC's with Melina and Mya

Swimming Week 2

This week we practised how to put 
on a life jacket and what to do 
if we got into trouble in the 
river, sea or lake.

Thank you Swimsation.

Image result for swimsation