Saturday, September 26, 2015

Animal Collage

We are learning to create a piece of art using collage.

To inspire our artwork, we looked at the books and illustrations created by Eric Carle.

He made his own collage tissue paper and then completed the animals.  We made our own paper too, using different textures around the school and then we dyed the paper.  

If you want to learn more about Eric Carle's work go to ...

First, we chose our animal and we talked and wrote about the animal.  Then, we looked at the different shapes that made up the animal and drew those.  After that, we chose different papers to create the animal and the background.

The parrot has a red tail and he has blue and
yellow wings.  The parrot lives int he rainforest.
He has wings so he can fly and get food.
He lives up the top of the rainforest.  Charity.


My animal lives in the rainforest.  It can run fast.  My animal is
black and yellowy brown.  My animal has spots to help it camouflage
when it needs to.  The spots help it camouflage when it is
next to a tree.  Persaies.

The giraffe has a long neck and it has brown spots.
It eats leaves.  It has a long neck to eat leaves.
It lives in the African Savannah.  Betty

The lion has four legs to run fast to catch meat.  
He has a head with sharp teeth to eat meat.  
He roars.  He lives in the Africian Savannah.  Titian

My animal is a giraffe.  It lives at the African Savannah.  
It has black and brown spots.  It has a long neck.  Seraphina.
My animal is a zebra.  It has four legs.  It has stripes.  
It lives with different zebras to keep safe together.  
It lives in the African Savannah.  Drea

My animal has special legs to run fast.  
It has a mane to keep the sun away and to look scary.  
He has sharp teeth so he can eat his meat.  
He lives in the African Savannah.  Richee
The stingray has a flat grey body.
The stingray lives in the oceans and hides in the sand.

The elephant has big ears to keep him cool.
He has a long trunk to drink water.

The giraffe has spots to camouflage, 
so he looks like a tree.  It has a long neck to get
 leaves for the little baby giraffes.  Raksha
The parrot has wings.  The wings make the parrot fly up in the sky.
 It can fly onto a tree.  It eats leaves and little flies.  Ana

The snake has green and brown so it can be camouflage.
They can climb trees.  They sometimes have spots on them.
The shark has sharp teeth to eat meat.  The meat is a fish.
A shark lives in the ocean.  Kai
The lion has sharp teeth to bite meat. 
 It lives in the African Savannah.  Soni.
The zebra has stripes.  He has a tail.  He has four legs. 
 He lives in the African Savannah.  Faduma.

My animal has special legs to run fast to catch some 
animals to eat.  He has to use his sharp claws to 
scratch, and then the lion eats the meat. 
He lives in the African Savannah.  Tai

My animal is the lemur.  It is white and black.  It can climb trees.  
His tail is like an extra vine. He can sleep with his tail on the branch 
upside down.  He lives with his fmaily to be safe.  Rory

It has stripes.  It runs fast to get camouflage.  It's habitat is the 
rainforest.  It has sharp teeth to bite meat. 
 Its' habitat has lots of trees.  
It has four legs.  Anjola.

1 comment:

  1. Wow room 15 these animals look very fierce!
    Tai can you run faster than the lion?
    Teena (Tais mummy)
